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Crystle Castle


Combining Therapeutic and Energetic Massage Technique

By Crystle Castle / October 23, 2019 /

Listening vs. Telling Massage is about listening to the body. What is going on? Are the muscles tight, are they twisted or stuck? First, you must listen by touch. Quiet the mind and relax your breath. Ground, center, and balance your Chi. Feel your feet rooted into the Earth. Connect your crown chakra with Spirit,…

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What is Self Care?

By Crystle Castle / October 23, 2019 /

You may have heard someone tell you to “Take time for self care.” But what does that actually mean? How can someone who is a DO-ER actually take time for themselves? How can we find the time to implement self care principles into our busy daily lives? We see uplifting posts in our Instagram and…

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